New album by Francis Heery released on the Swedish Lamour label

Irish composer and sound artist Francis Heery’s music features on a new album, Cascade.

Released on 26 February by the Swedish club and electronic music record label, Lamour, the album is available as a cassette, download and via streaming.

From the label’s page on the release:

Cascade is a delicate abstract soundscape, incorporating synthesized textures that evoke the unearthly sci-fi weirdness of bio-acoustic phenomena. Cascade was created using patches built in Max/MSP to generate quasi-random processes using impulses, delays, filters and drones. These were used as raw material for hours of improvisations, which also included live instruments. The recordings were then edited to create a finished work with echoes of H.P. Lovecraft, David Lynch, David Attenborough…

The cassette is available to order here

Listen to the album on Spotify below: