CMC launches a new outdoor Sound Gallery as part of National Music Day on 16 April
‘Off the Rails’ is a new Sound Gallery from the Contemporary Music Centre located outdoors at the front railings of the Centre on 19 Fishamble Street, Temple Bar. The Gallery will operate for the first time on National Music Day from 12:00pm to 6:00pm and will play works from the Centre’s Contemporary Music from Ireland promotional CD series, volumes one to eight.
Composers featured include Rob Canning, Kevin Volans, Ed Bennett, Andrew Hamilton, Deirdre McKay, Donnacha Dennehy, Jennifer Walshe, Ian Wilson, Jürgen Simpson, Roger Doyle, Piers Hellawell and Linda Buckley.
The idea behind the Gallery is to bring music from inside the Centre out onto the street for all to experience at no cost. It is the Centre’s new shop window and with over 5,500 works in CMC's collection the exhibits are endless!
‘Over the years we have organised projects which have involved playing music outdoors and we have always found a very positive response to these initiatives. This has now led us to developing our very own outdoor Sound Gallery and we are delighted to launch this as part of love:live music – National Music Day 2010.’ says Karen Hennessy, CMC's Promotion Manager.
Fishamble Street, where the Contemporary Music Centre is located, has a long tradition of outdoor music. The annual ‘Messiah on the Street’ each Easter commemorates the first performance in 1742 of Handel’s Messiah – the most high profile concert of new music by the most famous contemporary composer of the time. The CMC ‘Off the Rails’ Sound Gallery is the modern-day equivalent!
Information on National Music Day:
Full details of works played
Playlist One 12:00 – 1:00pm
Rob Canning – Myriorama
Kevin Volans – Four Guitars
Ed Bennett – Monster (excerpt)
Playlist Two 1:00 – 2:30pm
Andrew Hamilton – Ich Fahr Dahin
Deirdre McKay – Dieppe
Donnacha Dennehy – To Herbert Brün (excerpt
Playlist Three 2:30 – 3:30pm
Jennifer Walshe – My Extensive Relationship with Mr Stephen Patrick (excerpt)
Ian Wilson – Atlantica
Playlist Four 3:30 – 5:00pm
Jürgen Simpson – Rotation Patterns
Roger Doyle – The Ninth Set (sector 1)
Playlist Five 5:00 – 6:00pm
Piers Hellawell – Weaver of Grass
Linda Buckley – Do you Remember the Planets