Liam Bates: Blazing Sky (Release and Live Performance)

21 September 2024 12:00

County Hall, Wexford

Last Christmas, Wexford composer, Liam Bates came across an image of a baby, not laying in a manger, but instead laid in rubble, highlighting children’s suffering in war-torn zones across the globe. This haunting image inspired Liam’s new song, 'Blazing Sky' which is to be released on Saturday 21 September 2024.

A demo of the song was sent to Irish Hollywood film director Ciarán Foy. He immediately contacted Liam with the suggestion of filming a choir of teenagers singing the song. Liam explains "I didn’t fully grasp the significance of his suggestion for a youth choir, until much later. I contacted every singing instructor and school music teacher I know in Wexford to assemble a youth choir with some choral experience." Then in June, after only one rehearsal, the choir of 36 young enthusiastic singers was professionally recorded singing 'Blazing Sky' at the National Opera House in Wexford.

The singers describe their experience taking part in this project:


'Blazing Sky' Release

BLAZING SKY will be released on all platforms, and at at 12pm on Saturday 21st September, which has been chosen as it is the UN International Day of Peace. The music video for 'Blazing Sky' will carry an invitation to donate to UNICEF, an organisation which helps children across the globe. Funds raised by listening to 'Blazing Sky' on streaming services for this project in 2024, will also be donated to UNICEF. 

Live Performance Event

A live performance of the work by the Wexford Teenage Choir will take place at a reception held in Wexford County Council, Carricklawn, Wexford, thanks to the generosity of the council. Several hundred guests will arrive at 11.30am. At the release time of 12 noon, the choir will also sing 'Blazing Sky', live at the media/press gathering.

For more details see Facebook event here.


County Hall, Wexford


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