National String Quartet Foundation: Piatti Quartet featuring a work by Deirdre Gribbin (TOUR)

24 November 2023 20:00 - 26 November 2023 15:00

Piatti Quartet: Michael Trainor, violin; Emily Holland, violin; Miguel Sobrinho, viola; Jessie Ann Richardson, cello.

The acclaimed Piatti Quartet has received accolades for recent recordings and was recently appointed resident quartet at London’s  King’s Place. They return to Ireland with Dvořák’s G major string quartet, paired with Smetana’s autobiographical quartet ‘From My Life'. For Cork’s shorter lunchtime concert the Piatti will replace the Smetana with Rachmaninov’s early string quartet. CMC Composer Deirdre Gribbin’s ‘Somewhere I have never travelled’ completes the programme.

Tour runs 24 - 26 November.


Rachmaninov - String Quartet No.1 [1890] (Triskel only)
Smetana - Quartet No.1 ‘From My Life’ [1876] (Kilkenny, Birr, Dublin)
Deirdre Gribbin - ‘Somewhere I have never travelled’ [2015]
Dvořák - String Quartet in G major Op.106 [1895]

Dates, Venues & Ticket Links

KILKENNY | Friday 24th November at 8pm | Parade Tower, Kilkenny Castle - presented by Music in Kilkenny
CORK | Saturday 25th November at 1pm | Triskel Arts Centre
BIRR | Saturday 25th November at 8pm | Birr Theatre and Arts Centre
DUBLIN | Sunday 26th November at 3pm | National Concert Hall