Musici Ireland present 'A Mother's Voice'

18 November 2023 15:30

Philharmonie Luxembourg

'A Mother's Voice' - Devised by Beth McNinch, Music by CMC Composers Irene Buckley and Linda Buckley.

A commemorative multidisciplinary work for string quartet and electronics dedicated to the many women affected by the mother-and-baby homes in Ireland during the 1900s.

Musici Ireland: Ioana Petcu-Colan and Lidia Jewloszewicz-Clarke Violins; Beth McNinch, Viola; Katie Tertell, Cello.

Installation Design: Bridget Ni Dhuinn

Lighting Design: Eoin McNinch 

Animation:Eabha Bortollozzo and Jack Kirwan

Sound Technician: Colm Hinchin

Featuring recorded voices of three survivors: Deirdre Wadding, Sheila O'Byrne and "Cait".

Produced by Musici Ireland, developed with the support of "Write, Record, Perform" from Triskel Arts Centre and the Arts Council of Ireland/An Chomhairle Ealaíon.

Supported by Culture Ireland.


Day Passes (€20/12) and Festival Passes (€55/33) available from Philharmonie Luxembourg.




Philharmonie Luxembourg

1 Pl. de l'Europe, 1499 Clausen Luxembourg

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