hcmf//: At the first sound, the whole world freezes
Huddersfield Art Gallery

Image © Jennifer Walshe
Over the past decade, Jennifer Walshe has explored AI in a variety of different works including IS IT COOL TO TRY HARD NOW?, Ireland: A Dataset (which will be performed at this year’s festival) and A Late Anthology of Early Music, Vol. 1: Ancient to Renaissance, an album which re-writes the early history of Western music using AI.
This exhibition features two works by Walshe, both made using AI. The Text Score Dataset 1.0 features over 3,000 text scores, gathered by Walshe and her assistant Ragnar Árni Ólafsson over several years and painstakingly transcribed into a vast corpus of material, ranging from Fluxus to the present day. This dataset was used to train AI to generate new text scores, some of which will be performed in the gallery. For ULTRACHUNK, a collaboration between Walshe and the Turkish artist and technologist Memo Akten, Walshe created the dataset by filming herself improvising for a year. Akten then coded a system which could improvise live with Walshe in performance, setting the stage for a highly uncanny duet.
Produced by hcmf// supported by Culture Ireland and Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation
Exhibition Opening Times
Saturday 18 – Saturday 25 November: 11am – 4pm
Closed Tuesday + Wednesday
Open until 8pm on Thursday 23 November
Exhibition Opening: Saturday 18 November, 12pm, featuring a Q&A between Jennifer Walshe and Kate Molleson and a performance by Ragnar Árni Ólafsson
Free admission, no booking necessary.