Rob Canning is a composer and performer with a research focus centred around networked creativity and open working methodologies. His recent work explores possible interplays between performers and network delivered instruction sets; these range from traditional ensemble pieces which utilise browser based net-scores to simultaneous network streamed sonic drifts as in his Streamscape project.
As full time Associate Lecturer in Creative Networked Media in the Media School of Bournemouth University he is an active member of the EMERGE (Experimental Media Research Group) as well as being a doctoral candidate in the music department of Goldsmiths, University of London.
Contemporary Music Centre, Ireland
“[...] meaning is not something created by the artist, distributed
through the network, and received by the observer. Meaning is the
product of interaction between the observer and the system,
the content of which is in a state of flux, of endless change andtransformation.” [Ascott, 1990]