Artist Representation at CMC

Composers and sound artists who wish to be represented by the Contemporary Music Centre should follow the procedure for making an application for Associate Representation. 

The next review of artists' applications will be for submissions will be in Spring 2025.


The Contemporary Music Centre, Ireland offers various categories of representation to any eligible composer or sound artist working in the area of contemporary art music (see scope below) at a professional level, where music composition forms the primary focus of their practice, and who was born or has been permanently resident on the island of Ireland for three years or longer consecutively.


The Contemporary Music Centre supports a very wide range of composition:

  • Notated composition
  • Electroacoustic music
  • Electronics
  • Sound art & Radio Art
  • Experimental
  • Installation sound
  • Multimedia, web and film music
  • Educational music

Please note that CMC is not the resource organisation that supports popular and rock music, especially of commercial importance, and folk and traditional music.


The key benefits of representation are the inclusion of composers' and sound artists’ works and associated materials in the CMC’s collection which, in the new online environment, encourages a focus not only on the work and the composer's and sound artist's biography, but on the broader documentation of the context for the work. For composers working with notated music, CMC will make available scores for sale, and for all composers and sound artists represented by the CMC, any recordings or other materials in digital formats can be made available on a commercial or non-commercial basis.


The Contemporary Music Centre offers representation in the following categories

  • Associate Representation
  • Full Representation

Please refer to the CMC Representation policy for an outline of all benefits and guidelines on the application process before completing the application form. It is essential to consult with the CMC Music Information Coordinator by email to / by phone at 01-673-1922,  or by arranging a meeting before submitting an application for Associate Representation - Please note that your application will not proceed to the selection panel without prior consultation with the Music Information Coordinator.

Submit your application for Associate Representation online here.

Notes for applicants

  • All applicants will receive equal opportunity irrespective of gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race, ethnicity or indigenous status.
  • Applicants must fulfil the eligibility requirements and criteria outlined in the CMC’s Representation Policy.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • All applications must be submitted using the above online form - hard copy applications will no longer be accepted.
  • Representation applications may be lodged with the CMC at any time throughout the year.
  • Assessment of applications will take place twice each year. 

Applicants must provide the following documentation:

  • Documentary evidence that you were born or have been permanently resident on the island of Ireland for three years or longer consecutively.
  • Documentation supporting any commissions/grants/awards or competitions referred to in section 4 of the application form.
  • The four pieces referenced in section 4 of the application form:
    - Notated music (this includes notated on graphic score) -  scores (pdf only) must be submitted with recordings (mp3 (320 kbps), aiff or wav only).
    - Non–notated music  - sound files in the following formats are acceptable: mp3 (320 kbps), aiff or wav. mp3 format is preferable. 
    - Other – please contact CMC to discuss appropriate materials for submission. 
  • Copies of concert programmes for pieces referenced in section 4 above. 
  • Outline of other professional achievements.
  • A full list of completed works to include the following: title, year, instrumentation, duration, performers (if applicable) and venue or broadcast details of those works. (Note: Failure to give any of the details requested will deem the application as incomplete)
  • A curriculum vitae along with a 250 word biography. 
  • A personal statement (c. 300 words) outlining your key priorities as a composer or sound artist, and why you are seeking CMC representation. This is a key part of an application for Associate Representation.
Please note that failure to supply any of the supporting documentation will deem the application incomplete. Incomplete applications will not be assessed by the panel.
All supporting documentation must be supplied in digital format. Hard copies will not be accepted. Supporting documents should be sent by email to Supporting materials over 100MB should be submitted by WeTransfer to

Emerging Composer

In addition to Associate and Full representation, CMC has initiated a further support strand for young composers, the Emerging Composer category. Details on this scheme are available here.

Posthumous Representation

CMC accepts applications for posthumous composer representation. Applications are accepted after a period of three years has passed following the death of the composer. Please contact CMC for further information on this application process - CMC Music Information Co-ordinator: