The Machine of Song - George Higgs
A performance by the Sense Ensemble of George Higgs' Artist in the Community project.
From late 2010, George Higgs has been composer-in-residence with students from St. Mary's School for Deaf Girls in Dublin. The residency involved the composer working with the girls on a weekly basis to develop an ensemble, The Sense Ensemble, made up of students from the School.
Higgs also worked on building a new instrument involving a range of different materials such as plastic piping, scaffolding and numerous reused objects. This instrument, The Machine of Song - a musical construction of audible, visible and tactile proportions was used to develop a piece which the performed by the students.
The project was made possible through the Arts Council's Artist in the Community scheme, managed by Create.
The Machine of Song was performed in the library of the Contemporary Music Centre on 19 May 2011. Video by Amanda Feery.
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