RAMP Nature / sound walk with Aengus Kennedy
A guided nature walk with naturalist Aengus Kennedy, exploring the (sonic) wonders of the natural world. From 10am- 11.30am on Saturday 13 July.
Aengus Kennedy is NatureNorthWest’s lead nature guide, specialising in Field Ecology at University College Cork. He has worked with both young and old in the outdoors for over twenty years. For five years, Aengus worked as an education guide for the National Parks and Wildlife Services education programme in Glenveagh National Park. He has worked for An Taisce running school visits and guided walks for all, produced biodiversity action plans for communities and has worked with Donegal County Council on a number of environmental programs. Aengus is the environmental representative on Donegal’s local community development committee and Leader area group committee.
RAMP is grateful for the backing of its supporters and funders including Earagail Arts Festival, Contemporary Music Centre and Rathmullan The Way Forward.
Free. More information.