New Music Dublin: RTÉ Concert Orchestra featuring ...Antarctica calling...listen... by Karen Power & Piano Concerto No. 4b by Kevin Volans

23 April 2023 19:30

Main Stage, National Concert Hall

RTÉ Concert Orchestra with Gavin Maloney, conductor and Isabelle O’Connell, piano.

Join the RTÉ Concert Orchestra as they present a striking programme that examines humanity’s fragile relationship with nature, including two world premieres. Opening this concert, Brett Dean’s Testament is a stark depiction of Beethoven’s anguish as he began to fall deaf, becoming alienated from the world around him. This is followed by Kevin Volans’s high-energy Piano Concerto No. 4b, with ‘Irish piano phenom’ (The New Yorker) Isabelle O’Connell and an orchestra including five midi pianos in surround sound. The evening ends with Karen Power’s bold new commission inspired by a research trip to the South Pole—a gripping evocation of Antarctica’s wild and remote landscape, incorporating live performance, recorded audio and stunning visuals.


Brett Dean - Testament (2008)
Kevin Volans - Piano Concerto No. 4b (2016/2023) [World Premiere, revised version]
Karen Power - ...Antarctica calling...listen... (2023) [World Premiere]


Tickets available at New Music Dublin.


Main Stage, National Concert Hall

Earlsfort Terrace
Dublin 2

Venue Contact Info

01 417 0000